repeat & the db funcs

Charles Hartman charles.hartman at
Sun Oct 9 22:42:19 EDT 2005

On Oct 9, 2005, at 9:28 PM, Kay C Lan wrote:

> If the data is small, say less than 100MB, why not just use the
> 'revDataFromQuery' function to load all the data into a variable on  
> which
> you can then use the 'repeat for each line tMyLine of  
> tMyVarFullOfData'.
> This would be much quicker than repeated calls to the database.

That does make sense. If it makes me squeamish, that's just OCD . . .

> If the data is large, why not just use 'revCurrentRecordIsLast'  
> function in
> a 'repeat until...' control structure:
> repeat until revCurrentRecordIsLast(tMyRecordSetID)
> <insert your transcript code here>
> revMoveToNextRecord tMyRecordSetID
> end repeat

> In this last case though, I think your suggestion would be a nice  
> option.

I missed the revCurrentRecordIsLast() function. With that, no reason  
to mess with the repeat control-structure syntax. Thanks. I thought I  
might be overlooking a simple solution.

Charles Hartman

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