Strange math behaviour... could someone explain this ?

Cubist at Cubist at
Sun Oct 9 11:42:14 EDT 2005

sez kray at
>I'm still trying to figure out how something as simple as ((36-34.2)*100)
>can be anything but 180, or how (as Alex put it) "the binary double
>precision representation of 34.2 is inexact"...
   Perhaps a few details will help clear up this question.

   .1 binary = .5 decimal
   .01 binary = .25 decimal
   .001 binary = .125 decimal
   .0001 binary = .0625 decimal
   .00001 binary = .03125 decimal
   .000001 binary = .015625 decimal

   Try it out and you'll discover that while .2 is a nice, inoffensive 
decimal number, it has a binary representation that turns out to be an infinitely 
repeating sequence, not unlike .111.... for 1/9 or .142857... for 1/7. 
Specifically, .2 decimal = .0011... binary.

>and if it *is*, isn't there
>any other form that could represent 34.2 exactly that's not binary double
   Yes. The cryptic abbreviation "BCD" stands for Binary Coded Decimal. It's 
what IBM based its character set EBCDIC on; if you check out the EBCDIC entry 
in the Jargon File, you may see one of the reasons why BCD has never caught on 
amongst hackers.

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