list field-a race to the bottom

Sarah Reichelt sarah.reichelt at
Sun Oct 2 17:47:21 EDT 2005

> I have made a list field for jumping to different cards in the stack--
> and it works fine. But I do have a small interface annoyance because
> the click-on-line in the list field then jumps to the bottom of the
> list field. The only time this does not happen is when the list field
> is scrolled all the way to the top.
> When a line in the list field is clicked it opens the corresponding
> card. (The lines in the list field are card names.) There is an
> openCard handler that sets the highlighted line of the list field to
> the line for the just opened card.
> Is there some way to stop this jumping and just have the list field
> stay put when a card name is clicked on?

Setting the hilitedLine of a field will always cause it to scroll so
that the hilited line is visible. If you don't want this to happen,
you can check the vScroll of the field before you set the hilitedLine,
then set it back afterwards.


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