Problem with correct cursor showing up

Sarah Reichelt sarah.reichelt at
Mon Nov 28 00:07:27 EST 2005

> Hope someone can help with the following problem.   I want to program a
> button so that the cursor changes to "hand" on MouseEnter and changes back to
> "Arrow" on mouseLeave.   I inserted the following script (using Macintosh OS X
> Panther):
> on MouseEnter
>   set the cursor to hand
>   set the lockcursor to true
> end MouseEnter
> on mouseLeave
>   set the cursor to arrow
> end mouseLeave
> While this works in the unbuilt program, once it is built the cursor show up
> as "Watch" rather than "Hand"   on both Macintosh and   Windows.   Anyone have
> a suggestion?   Thanks.

In the Standalone settings, you might be best to tell it you will set
the required inclusions and make sure "Cursors" is checked.


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