Problem with loop of array elements

Jim Ault JimAultWins at
Tue Nov 15 23:04:12 EST 2005

On 11/15/05 6:58 AM, Thomas Fischer <fischer at>
 Original email was about looping arrays and debugging.
Along a different line, I am offering a more universal way of getting URL

Thomas, another technique you might try is locating and using the href =
³www.url.com² string.
This may not be suitable for your purpose, however.
It also does not explain the debugger anomaly you saw.

Unless you have a web page that contains thousands of urls, this should be
fast enough for you.

This assumes there could be various forms of HTML code, where the programmer
uses returns to make it look good to the eye, but the browser simply ignores
them.  Thus the following (3) URL variations are identical to the browser
<a href=²² name = ³Lamp334²>Desk Lamp,

<a href=²
.html² name = ³Lamp334²>Desk Lamp, black</a>

<a name=³Lamp334² href     =   ²
product334.html² >Desk Lamp, black</a>
--putting all of the above lines in the same container will resolve to 3
lines of

----------------- start copy here
on mousedoubleup
  put cd fld "SaveFile" into theSearchFileName
  put url ("file:/" & theSearchFileName) into theSearchResult
  replace numtochar(13) with empty in theSearchResult --we definitely don't
WANT returns
  replace return with empty in theSearchResult --we definitely don't WANT
  replace numtochar(210) with quote in theSearchResult ‹curly quote
  replace numtochar(211) with quote in theSearchResult ‹curly quote
  put numtochar(160) into sep  --
  --Thomas, you used "<p class=g>" but I am not sure of the reason
  --using the power of regular expressions [regex]...
  --we are looking for either (href=") or (href = ")  or (href =") or
  --   case INsensitive
  put "(?i)href[^\" &quote& "]+." into strToReplace -- -> (?Ui)href[^\"]+.
  put replaceText(theSearchResult,strToReplace,(return&"MMMM"&sep)) into
  --now only the lines we want all begin with MMMM
  filter crudeLines with ("MMMM"&sep&"*")
  --we now have only those lines we want
  replace quote with sep in crudeLines --sets the trailing quote to sep
  set the itemDel to sep
  --keep only item 2 of each line
  repeat with x = 1 to the number of lines in crudeLines
    put item 2 of line x of crudeLines into line x of foundURLs
  end repeat
  put "file:" & theSearchFileName & "-Links" into theSearchFileName
  put foundURLs into URL theSearchFileName
end mousedoubleup

----------------- end copy

Jim Ault
Las Vegas

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