Problem with loop of array elements

Thomas Fischer fischer at
Tue Nov 15 09:58:01 EST 2005


I have a small script that extracts URLs from an HTML page (see below).
This works nicely if I do it step by step using the debugger.
But if I let it run, I get only every other URL with blank lines in between.
Does anybody have an idea what's going on?


on mouseUp
  put cd fld "SaveFile" into theSearchFile
  open file theSearchFile
  read from file theSearchFile until end
  close file theSearchFile
  put it into theSearchResult
  get 1
  repeat while numToChar(it) is in theSearchResult
    add 1 to it
  end repeat
  replace "<p class=g>" with numToChar(it) in theSearchResult
  split theSearchResult by numToChar(it)
  put empty into theSearchResult[1]
  put empty into foundURLs
  repeat for each element foundURL in theSearchResult
    split foundURL by quote
    put foundURL[2] & return after foundURLs
  end repeat
  repeat while char 1 of foundURLs is return
    delete char 1 of foundURLs
  end repeat
  put "file:" & theSearchFile & "-Links" into theSearchFile
  put foundURLs into URL theSearchFile
end mouseUp

Thomas Fischer

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