Load URL returns error 10049

Dave Beck dave at crystalpiersw.com
Tue Nov 15 00:59:53 EST 2005


First of all, many apologies for the triple post of the original message in
this thread!! I had changed emails and experienced some "issues" with
posting the message from an address that was not a subscribed to the list.
The re-posting was definitely not intentional (sorry again!).


Dave, I had the user check to see if there were any proxy settings and the
answer was no there are not any. Thanks for the suggestion though.


Erin, I had the user ping the web site that the script is trying to access
through Load URL and the ping returned:


Ping statistics for

Packets: Sent 4, Received 4, lost 0

Approximate round trip minimum =72ms, maximum 78 ms, average 74ms


So everything appears to be normal there. I also built I special version of
the stand alone that accesses the URL through the IP address as you
suggested, but unfortunately she still received the same 10049 error.


Should I still try to determine show she's getting her own IP (e.g., is it
static or assigned via DHCP), and / or what her default gateway is? (She
already told me that she is not on an internal network or behind a
firewall.) Or in light of the new info is that a moot point?


Sorry about the delay getting back to the list with results of these tests.
It took until today for her to get back to me.


Any help anybody could offer would be greatly appreciated. Again, the
problem is that the load URL command fails for this user when trying to load
a web page and the URLStatus function returns "error". Then the
libURLErrorData function returns "10049". This problem is isolated to this
user and the stand alone has been distributed and works as expected for over
50 others, as accessing the same hard coded URL.


Many thanks,

Dave Beck

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