Find the item a user clicked on...

Ton Kuypers tkuypers at
Wed Nov 9 16:47:18 EST 2005


Eric, thanks!!!

I've never used the link-stuff and had no idea where to start, but  
you got me going, I've solved the challenge thanks to you!

many thanks again,


On 9-nov-05, at 22:29, Eric Chatonet wrote:

> Hi Ton,
> If I understand correctly:
> Your headers are the first line of your field and not buttons or  
> something else placed above the field?
> If it's the case, you can:
> 1. Set the style of each header to "link"
> 2. Set the underlineLinks property of your stack to false
> 3. Set the different link colors in an appropriate way if needed
> Then the kinks do not appear but do exist and you just need:
> on linkClicked pLink
>   <do whatever with pLink>
> end linkClicked
> pLink mirrors always the complete header.
> Not sure that is exactly your problem ;-)
> Best Regards from Paris,
> Eric Chatonet.
> Le 9 nov. 05 à 21:25, Ton Kuypers a écrit :
>> I have a small problem, which probably someone has solved a long  
>> time ago...
>> I have a header above a field with columns of data.
>> The amount of columns are different each time, the header above  
>> the field will differ also each time.
>> I now would like to sort the items in the field, when a user  
>> clicks on one of the words in the header, but how do I know what  
>> item the user clicked on?
>> I only get the ClickChunk or the ClickText, but who has a clever  
>> routine to get the item a user clicked on?
>> The titles in the header are separated by tabs and can consist of  
>> more then one word each.
>> Any help is welcome :-)
>> Warm regards,
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