Corrupted Stack

David Burgun dburgun at
Wed May 4 05:49:17 EDT 2005

Is the Structure of a Stack File published anywhere?


>KOPP Ed wrote:
>>I searched the archives, but didn't find the silver bullet I was looking
>>I've distributed a standalone stack (Windows) that calls another in the
>>"splash screen" style. The second stack is my data stack and it's corrupted.
>>It can no longer be opened by my standalone app. When I try to open this
>>data stack directly from Revolution, I get a message "There was a problem
>>opening that stack: stack is corrupted; check for ~ backup file."
>>Of course, there's no backup file. Is there any way to ignore the scripting
>>and just retrieve the data that's stored in the various fields on the cards?
>Hmmmm....we go seven years with close to zero corruption, and in the 
>last two months I've read about three cases.  RunRev -- what's 
>Ed, before you go down the arduous route of rebuilding the stack, 
>you might try seeing if there's some way to delete any images in it 
>first. In most cases corruption is related to images embedded in the 
>stack, and it may be possible to delete those without truly opening 
>it (the engine does less work with a stack when it doesn't actually 
>open it) with something like this (off the top of my head, so maybe 
>it'll need revision):
>   on mouseUp
>     answer file "Select the bad stack:"
>     if it is empty then exit to top
>     put it into tStackFile
>     --
>     repeat with i = 1 to the number of cards in stack tStackFile
>       repeat with j = the number of images \
>        of cd i of stack tStackFile down to 1
>          delete img 1 of cd i of stack tStackFile
>       end repeat
>     end repeat
>   end mouseUp
>  Richard Gaskin
>  Fourth World Media Corporation
>  ___________________________________________________________
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