Rev Messages Watcher++

thierry douez at
Tue Mar 29 05:07:20 EST 2005

Hi all,

For specific debugging, i've modified the
behavior of the Revolution Messages Watcher.
What as changed :

 - the way to be print on the screen
 ( easier to follow ),

 - by clicking or shift clicking you go respectively
 straight *to the line* where the message was sent or
 received ( declared ) in the script editor.

 - add a filter to stack names; interesting to focus
 on a specific domain of your application.

well, as i found this useful ( at least for me )
i am happy to share this with who-ever as an easter gift :-)

But, as it is part of the IDE, don't really know what
is the best way to share this.... All suggestions, ideas are

PS: it works on Rev2.1 , rev 2.5 ( trial ) on a PC.

Regards, thierry

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