OT: Analyzing competitors - In this case Real Software

Keith Hutchison keith.hutchison at balance-infosystems.com
Tue Mar 22 17:20:35 EST 2005

> RealBasic - one line
> ------------------------
> fontMenuButton.font = Me.SelTextFont
further, you can create custom bindings in REALbasic where you have one
subclass talking to another.

So you can get the result you want by setting the subclasses and 'drawing' a
line between the two objects.

eg. I have a listbox subclass that automatically finds data based on it's
And the data source can be postgres, mysql, xml, adodb.
At the window level, all I have is the listbox.

Keith Hutchison

postgresql - mysql - dbf
Foxpro - Delphi - MS Access - REALbasic - Java
http://balance-infosystems.com http://realopen.org

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