protecting images in a standalone

docmann docmann at
Fri Mar 18 20:22:31 EST 2005

On Fri, 18 Mar 2005 16:57:18 -0800, Trevor DeVore
<lists at> wrote:

> Is this a revolution application that is connected to a Database?  If
> so couldn't you just store the binary data of the jpg images in the
> database and then retrieve the image data as needed and assign the data
> to an image object in Revolution?
> --
> Trevor DeVore
> Blue Mango Multimedia
> trevor at

Hello Trevor,
That's pretty close to how I have the app set up now, with the
difference being that the images are stored on a totally remote server
from the data. Basically, using portions of the data stored in the
mysql file, I build a URL for each query in order to download/display
the image.

It works great and that's how I would prefer to keep it!

Unfortunately, there are some concerns about end user's having slow
connections, the possibilites of server down time, so on and so forth
that we hope to avoid, so everything  really needs to be stored on the
user's hard drive.

The mysql version is the *easily* the most functional app I've ever
put together. My co-workers and I hammer on it all day long with
virtually no problems and updates are a breeze. It truly breaks my
heart to have to go any other direction... :(


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