Web browser kind of thing

Monte Goulding monte at sweattechnologies.com
Mon Mar 7 23:01:19 EST 2005

> Ok how hard would it be to make the window display and interact with a
> web site?
> I just want it to bring up a logon page, let them log and and edit info. 
> using forms on
> the site. Not sure if this is a hard thing to do or not but if anybody 
> could push in in the
> right directions I would be greatful.
> Can I create the HTML like forms in Rev and send in info. the the website 
> via URL?
> I would have to use the GET but might not be that bad? Oh and I am really 
> ne to Rev
> and this kind of programming :)


Checkout the url keyword and the post command. Urls are treated as 
containers in Rev so interacting with CGI scripts using HTTP GET is very 
easy. If you need HTTP POST then use the post command.



Monte Goulding
Sweat Technologies

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