the ScreenRect

Troy Rollins troy at
Mon Jun 6 22:46:35 EDT 2005

On Jun 6, 2005, at 10:25 PM, Andre Garzia wrote:

> I know it's a hack but probably theres a way to probe the MacOS X 
> System using command line tools to see if there's another monitor 
> attached. The 'scutil' might hold something. I am sure that by finding 
> the correct key to probe will show the answer. It's not an elegant 
> solution like 'the detailed screenrect' but I think it might work. 
> You'll probably be able to probe for aditional monitors and for screen 
> resolutions.
> I am sure this is possible.

Thanks Andre. The solution needs to be x-plat.

I tried using techniques to "feel around" for another monitor, but so 
far haven't had good results. For instance I tried setting the 
screenMouseLoc and then putting the screenMouseLoc... unfortunately, 
setting it will only actually set it within the confines of the main 
screen. However, putting it will indicate when the mouse is on the 
second monitor. So, in the end, that won't work. Other object, can of 
course be set to locations off the first screen but that tells you 
nothing, since they can be set anywhere at all, and do not require an 
actual monitor there.

So far, it would seem that it isn't possible within Transcript to 
determine that information.

RPSystems, Ltd.

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