running rev cgi on Mac OS 8.6 Personal web server?

Andre Garzia soapdog at
Sun Jun 5 21:47:33 EDT 2005

On Jun 5, 2005, at 9:40 PM, Robert Brenstein wrote:

> Yes, all you need is an appleevent handler that checks for web event 
> and replies to it by sending html page. My old starter.cgi is still 
> online for those who wants to get rolling faster.
> This solution is particularly easy to implement for people with no 
> unix background, which is required at least to some degree to handle 
> an Apache setup. I am also running Apache/PHP/MySQL service and it is 
> surely more work to maintain.
> Robert


thanks for pointing me to this thread. I was so lazy a programmer in 
the MacOS 8.x days that I never understood how CGIs and HTTP and 
AppleEvents worked. I came to figure those things later in MacOS 9.x 
and then MacOS X (lucky me I came from linux so unix was something I 
was familiar). I remember seeing about ACGI but I could not understand 
the thing. Now I just downloaded MacHTTP and read the manual, it's so 
clear and I find the design so simple and yet very macintosh-esque. 
Could you send your starter.cgi for me to look? I am planning in 
stealing some ideas for the next installment of RevHTTPd.

As of now, RevHTTPd is source compatible with libCGI meaning that cgis 
coded for libCGI will work out of the box in RevHTTPd, would be usefull 
to expand RevHTTPd so that it could launch ACGI and/or receive ACGI 
calls from MacHTTP and WebStar? Do people need this?


Andre Alves Garzia ð 2004
Soap Dog Studios - BRAZIL

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