Mac -> Win problems

Charles Hartman charles.hartman at
Tue Jul 26 19:11:57 EDT 2005

> There's another bug or two (BZ 2138 and another one I can't see  
> right now) that might be what you're seeing. These happen when you  
> run a stack on WinXP by double-clicking on the stack icon. I  
> created BZ 2138 for this problem with the Dreamcard Player - and  
> since I wasn't sure if it was intended to allow this or not, I had  
> to mark that as an enhancement. I'm sure I've seen another BZ entry  
> for the same, or very similar, problem with the full product - but  
> can't immediately find it.
> I now never run stacks by double clicking them because of this  
> problem - I either run them in the IDE, or build standalones.
> But it wasn't clear whether you are double-clicking to run it or  
> not, so this may not be the answer you need.
> -- 
> Alex Tweedly

I'm running by double-clicking -- because all I've got is DreamCard,  
so I can't build standalones. And I suspect my users (they'll  
download the Win or Mac player, I hope from my site where they get  
the stack) will do it the same way. There's no evident other way to  
tell the Player to load the stack; I may have missed it -- but if so,  
users may well too. (I'll have to give them instructions anyway, of  

So -- it's a bug, already known. Is there also a known workaround?  
The app is hardly useable as it is.


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