[Slightly OT] Ransomware as a Model for Rev Toolmaking?

Dan Shafer revdan at danshafer.com
Tue Jul 19 17:38:22 EDT 2005


This  model isn't intended to apply to the concepts of "investors"  
who "own" anything in return for the money they put up. I suspect it  
works primarily if not only for software  ultimately intended to be  
distributed free.

On Jul 19, 2005, at 12:30 PM, Brian Yennie wrote:

> Not to make this a debate, but...
> What I don't like about the system below (and why I think it hasn't  
> happened already to any great extent) is:
> * Investors will have to put a lot more money up for the developer  
> to give up ownership of the product to the investors
> * Multiple investors "owning" a product and dividing profits is a  
> pain (and not so lucrative)
> Rather, I think it's good to drive down the initial cost (so people  
> will actually buy in), and allow *someone* to have some real profit  
> potential, as I don't think a 3rd party Rev product split too many  
> ways excites anyone just yet.
> Just my 2 cents!
>> Dan,
>>      Why not a capitalist/capitalist model:
>> 1.     Developer or users suggest a tool/product & define specs.
>> 2.     One or more developers bid to create the tool/product per  
>> spec. at a
>> specific price
>> 3.     "Investors" provide the money and get "ownership" based on the
>> percentage they contributed
>> 4.     When the tool/product is finished all the investors get  
>> free copies
>> 5.      As the finished tool/product is sold, profits are divided  
>> among the
>> investors.
>>      We are actually doing this now - except the developer and  
>> investor are
>> usually the same person.
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Dan Shafer, Revolution Consultant and Author
Get my book, "Revolution: Software at the Speed of Thought"
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