random number help...

Paul Salyers ps1 at softseven.org
Tue Jul 12 14:09:28 EDT 2005

I need help on putting a random number in a array.

Here is my random code to get a random number 0-5:

on mouseUp
   put random(6) -1 onto tFNF1
   put tFNF1 into field "FNF"
   put random(6) -1 onto tSNF1
   put tSNF1 into field "SNF"
end mouseUp

What I need to do is to do that 100 times and store the random number is an 

I guess "repeat for 10 times" has replaced "For / Next"

I can live with that, but how to I store the random number in an array 
field eX:

tFNF1 tFNF2 tFNF3 tFNF4 / tFNF100 the same for the tSNF

Then I'll put the tFNF1-100 and tSNF1-100 into the correct fields ad need be.

Paul Salyers
PS1 - Senior Rep.
PS1 at softseven.org

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