Klaus Major klaus at major-k.de
Tue Jul 5 10:29:27 EDT 2005

Hi friends,

i am currently learning XML (in Rev) and have a little question,
that could not be answered with the Rev docs...

Quote from the www3 school :-)
XML is a cross-platform (SIC!), software and hardware independent  
tool for transmitting information.

But Rev's XML is NOT?

I created a nice and simple XML document on my OS X with Sarah's  
stack (thanks a lot Sarah!!!)
and all umlauts are of course GONE when i open that file on windows  
with Rev :-/
Big fun!

Looks like the Rev external does not add an encoding header (?) like:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>  (Like Apple does...)
as exspected nor does it saves the file as UTF8 unicode, so it would  
work crossplatform :-/

Only this simple header is added:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
which is not too helpful for crossplatform compatibility.

Do I have to change the header manually? Or what can i do at all?
Any hints are very welcome!


Klaus Major
klaus at major-k.de

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