quick dirty ftp transfer?

Alex Shaw alex at harryscollar.com
Mon Jul 4 19:35:11 EDT 2005

hi dave

the stacks reside on different networked machines, and i need to simply 
transfer large files from client stacks to a simple backup server stack 
so i was just hoping to wrap a simple transfer mechanism around the 
libURL commands without having to setup a specific ftp server


> On 4 Jul 2005, at 09:29, Alex Shaw wrote:
>>I haven't had much time to disect libURL but does anyone know if it  
>>is easy/possible/done to rig up a quick ftp-like transfer between 2  
>>(or more) stacks using a combo of the libURLftpUploadFile and  
>>libURLDownloadToFile commands?
> Alex, can you give us a bit more information about what you're trying  
> to do? Are the stacks in question on separate machines? How are the  
> machines networked, LAN or only by internet?
> You could use the libUrl ftp commands, but you'd need to go through  
> an ftp server. I'm not sure, but I gather from your mail that you  
> don't want to do that.
> Cheers
> Dave

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