Kevin Miller's scripting conference chat log

Rodney Somerstein rodneys at
Mon Jul 4 13:39:14 EDT 2005

>During our last scripting conference, Kevin Miller gave a 
>presentation on Revolution 2.6 and answered questions from the 
>participants about Revolution and future plans. I have posted the 
>transcript of that portion of the conference, and you can download 
>it here:
>You will need a program that can open .rtf files to read it.
>The remainder of the conference was Richard Gaskin's presentation on 
>the message hierarchy. The transcript of that portion is contained 
>in the downloadable scripting conference stack as usual.

I have tried to download this several times and get a file not found 
error. Can you please correct the above link or re-upload the file so 
that it is downloadable?



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