scripting challenge: Large/Smaller text size

Mark Smith mark at
Sat Jul 2 22:13:41 EDT 2005

So this is my revised effort, which incorporates Wouters suggestions, 
and Dicks suggestion for using 'filter' in the getHSizes function.
Remarkably this seems a little slower, at 190 to 200 ms.


on changeTextSize inc
   put the effective textSize of fld 1 into fSize
   put "<font size=" & quote & fSize & quote & ">" into openTag
   put "</font>" into closeTag
   put the htmltext of fld 1 into ttext

   --this next block sets size tags for all the unsized text

   replace "</font>" with "</font>" & openTag in ttext
   replace "<font size=" with closeTag & "<font size=" in ttext
   replace closeTag & closeTag with closeTag in ttext
   put openTag after char 3 of ttext
   -- puts openTag after the intial <p> tag

   --now get all the size values from the size tags
   put getHSizes(ttext) into sizeList

   --set limits
   if inc > 0 AND MAX(sizeList)+inc > 48 then exit to top
   if inc < 0 AND MIN(sizeList)+inc < 8 then exit to top

   --Wouters sort
   if inc > 0 then
     sort items of sizeList numeric descending
   else if inc < 0 then
     sort items of sizeList numeric ascending
   end if

   repeat for each item i in sizeList
     put quote & i & quote into pSize
     put quote & i+inc & quote into nSize
     replace "<font size=" & pSize with "<font size=" & nSize in ttext
   end repeat

   set the textSize of fld 1 to fSize +inc
   set the htmltext of fld 1 to ttext
end changeTextSize

function getHSizes tt
   put empty into sizeList
   replace cr with empty in tt
   replace "<" with cr in tt
   replace ">" with cr in tt

   filter tt with "font size=*"

   replace quote with comma in tt
   repeat for each line i in tt
     get item 2 of i
     if it is not among the items of sizeList then put it & comma after 
   end repeat

   return char 1 to -2 of sizeList
end getHSizes

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