Select a field (For text writing)

Eric Chatonet eric.chatonet at
Fri Jul 1 11:23:18 EDT 2005

Hi Damien,

As I regained one's sight (see a previous post) and if I understand  
correctly (here, I'm not sure) the select command with one of these  
forms should help you:

select text of fld <field name> -- but not select fld <field name>  
which would select the field object
select before text of fld <field name> -- or: just select before fld  
<field name>
select after text of fld <field name> -- or: just select after fld  
<field name>
select char 1 to 5 of fld <field name>
select char 5 to 4 of fld <field name> -- to place the insertion  
point between two chars
select char 1, item 2, word 3, line 4 of fld <field name>
select char 1 to 2 of item 3 of line 4 of fld <field name>

If you want type by script (I did not understand exactly your  
purpose), see the type command.

Le 1 juil. 05 à 17:10, Damien Girard a écrit :

> I have got a stack, that show some group. In these group, the user  
> must write
> information (in field), I want to know how I can "select" the  
> field, for when
> the user show the group, I can directly write the text.
> Pour les français (si vous comprenez pas ce que je veux dire en  
> anglais :D )
> En fait, j'ai un "stack", et il affiche des groupes, en fait, c'est  
> groupes
> aggisent un peu comme la commande ask, quand on l'affiche, on peut  
> marquer
> directement le texte à l'intérieur du champs. Je voudrai pouvoir  
> faire la
> même chose, mais avec des groupes.

Best Regards from Paris,

Eric Chatonet.
So Smart Software

For institutions, companies and associations
Built-to-order applications: management, multimedia, internet, etc.
Windows, Mac OS and Linux... With the French touch

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