A list mom post

Heather Nagey heather at runrev.com
Fri Jul 1 08:12:23 EDT 2005

Dear list members,

It's been some time since I made the usual listmom remarks here, its 
probably time for a reminder. Also there have been a couple of threads 
recently that could do with addressing.

Our list settings are set to protect your email addresses. These should 
be obscured when messages are posted to the web archives. There may 
still be routes for Google to find some addresses, I'm not sure but 
there is very little we can do about it if so. In general there does 
not seem to be a problem with addresses being harvested from our lists, 
I think it is a rare occurrence and not very easy to do. You would have 
to be subscribed in order to do so.

This list is here for folks to help each other use Revolution. It is 
user driven. Runrev staff monitor it and may respond from time to time, 
but if you have a question you want to get a response direct from 
Runrev on, you need to write to support. Everyone here is donating time 
and advice for free, and deserves thanks and appreciation for doing so.

We have a large and active community, spanning a huge range of ages, 
personalities, expectations and outlooks. This means that courtesy and 
consideration are essential when posting here. If you think so and so 
is a skunk, his opinions suck, his approach to programming appalls 
you... you are entitled to your opinion. Please don't post it to the 
list :) If you have a different viewpoint to present *relevant to 
programming* which you think may be of help to other people, that's 
great - but do it politely and with at least the appearance of keeping 
an open mind. As we all know, religion, politics and cheese are all off 
topic and inappropriate to this list.

This list plays a vital role in keeping us at Runrev aware of the 
general state of the community and how well we are fulfilling your 
programming needs. However its worth restating that inevitably a list 
of this nature will have a negative bias. People rarely write to a 
discussion group to say "I completed a project today in a third of the 
time it would have taken me with any other tool, it works perfectly and 
I don't need any help". They write when they have a problem, or they 
want to vent. Often, the problem turns out to be in their code, or is 
readily solved, and its great that the list is here to help in that 
situation. Nobody should be afraid of asking for help in case it turns 
out it was just a typo in the code, that's what we're all here for and 
we've all done it.

But something that may be worth a thought before you post your next 
rant titled "Revolution Sucks Eggs!". Your post and its title is going 
to live forever in the archives, visible to all and sundry, including 
newbies. The resolution of your post "oh no it was me, I have egg on my 
face now" will not be so visible, because the subject line of your 
abject apology will still be "Revolution Sucks Eggs!"

Moving on to list mechanics, if you get duplicate posts from the list, 
it means you are subscribed with more than one address. (Well 99% of 
the time it does, unless you have creative email rules set up so they 
duplicate posts for you... naming no names ;)). If you do have more 
than one email address, and you are at all likely to post from all of 
them, I recommend subscribing all of them, then setting all but one to 
nomail. That way you won't get duplicate posts and you won't get held 
for moderation when you post from the wrong address. The list software 
only recognises you from your email address.

You can adjust your settings, subscribe and unsubscribe here:


You can contact me direct if you need help on heather at runrev.com, or 
the list admin address which is use-revolution-owner at lists.runrev.com

Finally, we are still having some server issues, which we are working 
on. Our apologies for this, we hope it will be resolved soon.

Warm regards and thank you to all for participating in this community,

Heather Nagey, Customer Support Manager and Listmom
Runtime Revolution Ltd

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