What do most Rev developers do?

Jeffrey Reynolds jeff at siphonophore.com
Wed Jan 26 22:52:14 EST 2005

Hi Jonathan,

I use metacard and revolution to produce educational multimedia 
exhibits and CD-ROMs. Its a wonderful evolution from Hypercard that i 
used for years to produce educational multimedia projects. I have used 
Metacard/rev to produce multimedia exhibits for places like the 
Monterey Bay Aquarium, California Pioneers Museum, the Petersburg 
Marine Mammal Center. I have also used it to produce multimedia CD-ROMs 
to go with kids books, patient and doctor education CD-ROMs for Kaiser 
Permanente. and an educational Marine Mammal CD-ROM. I am currently 
designing a data base system for humpback whale research data analysis 
using revolution.

The flexibility and power of Metacard/Rev makes it great for doing 
multimedia projects like this.

Its fun seeing what folks on the list are doing with rev!



Jeffrey Reynolds
6620 Michaels Dr
Bethesda, MD  20817
jeff at siphonophore.com

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