Arrow keys and "suspend development tools"

Richard Gaskin ambassador at
Mon Jan 24 21:38:54 EST 2005

Alex Tweedly wrote:
> Am I doing something I shouldn't ?
> Create a new stack
> Add a text entry field
> Switch to Run (browse) mode
> Select the field and type some text into it
> use the left-arrow key (and later right-arrow) to move along the text 
> you just typed
> Click on menu "Development / Suspend development tools"
> Select the field again
> use an arrow key ........ and RR hangs.
>   Ctl-. doesn't help.
> Force exit with Ctl-Alt-Del

Verified: OS X 10.3.7, Rev 2.5.
Does not respond to Cmd-".", requiring a force-quit.

> Is this a "Bugzilla opportunity" ?


  Richard Gaskin
  Fourth World Media Corporation
  Ambassador at

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