Scripting of buttonproducing field to give buttons backgroundBehavior

J. Landman Gay jacque at
Sun Jan 23 12:16:27 EST 2005

>> I have met with the problem, that the handler of a field, which
>> shall enable user to produce pre-scripted buttons, is able to
>> produce the buttons with the scripts required, and place them where
>> they shall be placed, - but all attempts  to, after "group"  "set
>> backgroundBehavior to true" is failing. Best would be, if they
>> could be set to include themselves, as they are produced - now and
>> then-by the user, in one big shared group. Anybody have a solution?

Can you use "create button <buttonName> in grp <theBgGrp>" ?

This avoids all the grouping issues. You do have to have an existing 
group that is already set up with background behavior turned on. You can 
do that via script if you need to. Then add buttons as needed.

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jacque at
HyperActive Software           |

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