export RTF as file?

Klaus Major klaus at major-k.de
Thu Jan 20 05:18:30 EST 2005

Hi all,

> Just for the sake of completeness, this works fine on OS X with Word, 
> TextEdit, and BBEdit.

But the formatting (bold, italic etc...) are lost!
Tried wioth "file:..." and "binfile..."

At least here on OS X 10.3.7 in TextEdit...

> Dan
> On Jan 19, 2005, at 5:47 PM, Chipp Walters wrote:
>> I'm having problems with my RTF export.
>> Can someone please try this and tell me if they get any results?
>> create a new stack
>> create a fld and type some text into it: "hello world"
>> create a button with the script:
>> on mouseUp
>>     ask file "Save As:" with "Untitled.rtf"
>>     if it is empty then exit to top
>>     put it into tPath
>>     put the rtfText of fld 1 into tContents
>>     put tContents into URL ("file:" & tPath)
>> end mouseUp
>> Now, try and open the RTF file you just created. I'm getting nothing 
>> in WordPad on XP. I don't have Word on this machine (hate M$).
>> I've tried binfile as well. Anyone having success exporting RTF files?
>> thanks in advance,
>> Chipp


Klaus Major
klaus at major-k.de

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