Converting space- to tab-delimited

Scott Rossi scott at
Mon Feb 28 14:17:10 EST 2005

Recently, Gregory Lypny  wrote:

> I would greatly appreciated your help with choosing the regular
> expression I need to use in replaceText in order to convert a text file
> from space delimited to tab delimited when the number of spaces between
> words is not constant.
> Here's an example of one line of input data.
> word1 [3 spaces] word2 [5 spaces] word3 [2 spaces] cr
> I'd like to convert that to
> word1 [tab] word2 [tab] word3 [tab]

Can't answer for RegEx, but perhaps something like this brute force item
would work:

 function spaceToTab pData
   replace " " with tab in pData
     if (tab & tab) is not in pData then exit repeat
     replace (tab & tab) with tab in pData
   end repeat
   return pData
 end spaceToTab

This would remove all spaces from the text -- not sure if that fits with
your needs.


Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, Multimedia & Design
E: scott at

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