Enter key on laptops

Sarah Reichelt sarahr at genesearch.com.au
Mon Feb 21 19:15:46 EST 2005

If you have separate Return & Enter keys, Return does your first 
function and Enter (without any modifier) does the second. You are not 
missing any functionality, just getting to it in a different way :-)

I didn't realize that Control-Return was the same as Enter, so I'm 
grateful to have found that out in case I come across a keyboard 
without both the relevant keys.


On 22/02/2005, at 10:09 AM, Alex Tweedly wrote:

> At the end of a line, I hit the big key on the right of the keyboard 
> with a funny left-pointing arrow - and it does what I'd expect a CR to 
> do - puts me at the start of a new line.
> If I'm done with the script editor, I hit Ctrl-big-key-on-right and it 
> does the equivalent of "Apply" and close window.

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