Another cool color animation

MisterX b.xavier at
Sun Feb 20 08:52:24 EST 2005

Here's another cool code taken from the source codes at bits-101
it's definitely cool!

-- Source file was from 040401.fla
-- from


Just create a new stack and stick this into the card script
click on the card and behold!

 local numpointlist 40 -- this is the complexity - bigger = slower but

on mouseup x
  if x = 3 then
    repeat while there is an image 1
      delete image 1
    end repeat
  end if
end mouseup

on doit
  put the width of this cd into w
  put the height of this cd into h
  choose imagetool
  choose pencil tool
  set the rect of the templateimage to the rect of this cd
  create image
  set the tool to "line"
  put random(256)-1 into r1
  put random(256)-1 into g1
  put random(129)-1 into b1
  put random(129)-1 into r2
  put random(256)-1 into g2
  put random(256)-1 into b2
  put (r2 - r1)/h into dr
  put (g2 - g1)/h into dg
  put (b2 - b1)/h into db
  put w / (numpointlist - 1) into dist
  put random(101)-1 + 100 into noise
  put random( 11)-1 +   5 into noise2
  repeat with i = 0 to numpointlist-1
    put i * dist+1, random(noise+1)-1 - noise / 2 into pointlist[i]
  end repeat
  repeat with i = 0 to numpointlist - 2 
    put (item 1 of pointlist[i] + item 1 of pointlist[i + 1]) / 2 into item
1 of LineMids[i]
    put (item 2 of pointlist[i] + item 2 of pointlist[i + 1]) / 2 into item
2 of LineMids[i]
  end repeat
  repeat with y = 0 to h
    set cursor to busy
    repeat with i = 0 to numpointlist-1
      add 1 + random(noise2+1)-1 - noise2/2 to item 2 of pointlist[i]
    end repeat
    repeat with i = 0 to numpointlist - 2
      put (item 1 of pointlist[i] + item 1 of pointlist[i + 1]) / 2 into
item 1 of LineMids[i]
      put (item 2 of pointlist[i] + item 2 of pointlist[i + 1]) / 2 into
item 2 of LineMids[i]
    end repeat
    put r1 + dr*y into red
    put g1 + dg*y into green
    put b1 + db*y into blue
    put round(red bitxor 16),round(green bitxor 8),round(blue) into col
    set the pencolor to col
    repeat with i = 1 to numpointlist - 3
      drag from LineMids[i] to pointlist[i+1]
      drag from pointlist[i] to LineMids[i]
    end repeat
    drag from pointlist[i] to pointlist[i + 1]
    if the mouse is down then
      unlock screen
      answer "Uh Oh. Should I stop?" with "cancel" or "Continue"
      if it is "Cancel" then exit repeat
      lock screen
    end if
  end repeat
  choose browse tool
end doit

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