Cool Script animation

Alejandro Tejada capellan2000 at
Sat Feb 19 22:45:50 EST 2005

on Fri, 18 Feb 2005
Xavier Bury wrote:

> I made this cool conversion of the script 
> proposes for tutorials. check it out...

Great job, xavier!!! :-))

> It's not so obvious converting flash scripts 
> and their convoluted animation frames but I got 
> it down to something simple and easy now. And
> more to come!

These are really good news, indeed!
I was expecting for some gifted mind
able to explain all these actionscripts
twist and turns in native transcript terms.

My wait is over!  :-))

Notice Xavier, when i enter the mouse pointer
in a vector graphic with the script you posted,
it moves quickly to the top of the stack...

Could you make it move smoothly to this new position?

When i let the vector grc drop it bounces from the
middle of the graphic not from the base...

Could you make it bounce from the graphic's base?

Thanks for sharing!
Keep up(loaded) your good work!


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