Cool Script animation

xbury.cs at xbury.cs at
Fri Feb 18 09:46:17 EST 2005

Hi everyone,

I made this cool conversion of the script proposes for 
check it out...

It's not so obvious converting flash scripts and their convoluted 
frames but I got it down to something simple and easy now. And there's 
more to come!

The only thing that really got me troubled however is that if I put in a 
pass mousedown
in the end of the mousedown script (see commented line in script below and 
its preceding line 
which is supposed to be called by the mouseup), the mouseup handler is not 
called at all! 

So I mousedown, pass mousedown and there's no mouseup!
I made a test button and it did work. So, why didn't it work here as 
expected? The Idle?

Wouldn't that be the logical event queue?

See the script below...
To make it work, 
create a stack
create graphic 
set the style of it to oval
set the script of it to the scriptbelow


local xspeed, yspeed
local oldx, oldy
local rightedge,leftedge
local topedge, bottomedge
local gravity, fxdrag, bounce
local dragging
local inited

on mousedown
  local mouseHoffset, mousevoffset
  if inited is not true then
  end if
  put true into dragging
  put the mouseh - the left of me into mouseHoffset
  put the mousev - the top of me into mouseVoffset
  repeat while the mouse is down
    set the topleft of me to the mouseh - mousehoffset,the mousev - 
    domove 1
  end repeat
   put false into dragging -- this is in so the script works
   --pass mousedown
end mousedown

on mouseup
  put false into dragging
  domove 1
end mouseup

on initme
  put the left of graphic 1 into oldx
  put the top  of graphic 1 into oldy
  put random(60)-30 into xspeed
  put random(60)-30 into yspeed
  put 0 into leftedge
  put 0 into topedge
  put width of this cd into rightedge
  put the height of this cd into bottomedge
  put 2    into gravity
  put 0.98 into fxdrag
  put 0.9  into bounce
  put true into inited 
  domove 1
end initme

on idle
  domove 1
end idle

on domove objnum
  local x, y
  if not dragging then
    put the left of graphic objnum into x
    add xspeed to x
    set the left of graphic objnum to x
    if (x + the width of graphic objnum / 2 > rightedge) then
      put rightedge-the width of graphic objnum / 2 into x
      set the left of graphic objnum to x
      put -xspeed * bounce into xspeed
    end if
    if (the left of graphic objnum - the width of graphic objnum / 2 < 
leftedge) then
      set the left of graphic objnum to leftedge + the width of graphic 
objnum / 2
      put -xspeed*bounce into xspeed
    end if
    put the top of graphic objnum into y
    add yspeed to y
    set the top of graphic objnum to y
    if (the top of graphic objnum + the height of graphic objnum / 2 > 
bottomedge) then
      set the top of graphic objnum to bottomedge - the height of graphic 
objnum / 2
      put -yspeed * bounce into yspeed
    end if
    if (the top of graphic objnum - the height of graphic objnum / 2 < 
topedge) then
      set the top of graphic objnum to topedge + the height of graphic 
objnum / 2
      put -yspeed * bounce into yspeed
    end if
    put yspeed * fxdrag + gravity into yspeed
    put xspeed * fxdrag into xspeed
    put  objnum, oldx
    put the left of graphic objnum - oldx into xspeed
    put the top  of graphic objnum - oldy into yspeed
    put the left of graphic objnum into oldx
    put the top  of graphic objnum into oldy
  end if 
end domove

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