how to Progress Bar?

Chipp Walters chipp at
Wed Feb 16 17:44:15 EST 2005


Create a new stack.
Add a scrollbar and name it "myProgBar"
add a new btn and set the script to:

on mouseUp
   set the startValue of scrollbar "myProgBar" to 0
   set the endValue of scrollbar "myProgBar" to 100
   put 0 into tStart
   repeat with x = 1 to 100
      set the thumbPos of scrollbar "myProgBar" to tStart
      add 1 to tStart
   end repeat
end mouseUp

hope that helps.

Dwayne Rothe wrote:
> I guess this question has been asked a 1000 times before, but I will ask it again just in case you all missed it!
> How do you get a progress bar to work?
> I have looked for example stacks and  docs but can't find anything!

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