MP3 without QuickTime on Windows

Kevin Miller kevin at
Thu Feb 10 15:45:35 EST 2005

On 9/2/05 7:05 pm, "Ben Rubinstein" <benr_mc at> wrote:

>> Quick guess:
>> Did you "set the dontuseqt to true"?
>> In an "preopenstack"-handler or something...
>> I think even if QT is NOT present the engine thinks to have to use
>> QT...?
> I haven't; but I don't think it's relevant, as the same app on a PC running
> 'ordinary' windows XP works fine - if QT is installed, it uses QT; if QT is
> uninstalled, it uses Media Player.
> Can RunRev confirm the actual requirements, or give me a clue how to debug
> what's not working?  (EG on OS X I now about using the console to get
> detailed info about what's failing to work when it tries to access some
> external component; is there some equivalent on Windows (XPe) that I can use
> to figure out what the problem is here?

The subsystem we use is not currently the full Windows Media Player, so MP3
will not work without QuickTime (yet).  You may be able to get this to work
with MCISendString().

Kind regards,


Kevin Miller ~ kevin at ~
Runtime Revolution - User-Centric Development Tools

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