OT: Why does XP choke on the filename - "com1.gif"

Martin Baxter martin at materiaprima.fsnet.co.uk
Wed Feb 9 13:58:07 EST 2005

>Wednesday, February 9, 2005, 6:26:55 AM, you wrote:
>TMI> I believe com1 - com23 are the reserved com port names. I just read
>TMI> that somewhere?
>There are other reserved words as well: LPT, PRN, NUL, I'm sure there
>are others that I can't think of off the top of my head. It's a
>holdover from DOS commandlines where you don't need the trailing colon
>in order to reference a logical device:

Thanks for explaining that, yes of course, MSDOS, I thought they finally
dumped that ?

But really, a multi-user, multi-tasking, allegedly "modern" operating
system that can't tell a reference to a file on disk from a reference to a
serial port?

I think I'm actually shocked.

Martin Baxter

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