MP3 without QuickTime on Windows

Jeffrey Reynolds jeff at
Mon Feb 7 18:26:04 EST 2005

You will get different messages from Apple with each case you present,  
to different folks and at different times. When i have pressed a  
question they have usually ended up reverting to the letter of the  
license instead of waiving stuff. This has come up for me about a dozen  
times over the last decade. It was really funny when I did the Earth  
Explorer CD-ROM with them years ago (the first disc in Apple's ill  
fated CD-ROM publishing attempt), when these question came up it went  
around and around w/in apple for about two weeks before i got any  
straight answers. That was the early days of QT so it was all new...

I understand what Apple is trying to do and dont really disagree with  
it. Its just that you should read the agreement carefully and make sure  
your app can play w/in the rules so you dont get a client in dutch  
later if something was out of bounds or the client wants to do  
something different later. And I have to admit I have not looked at the  
qt license in the last 4-6 months since the question last came up! In  
looking at it they have simplified it some, but it still has this  

"Each Licensee Product must require End-Users not having QuickTime 6 on  
their computers to install the QuickTime Software using the QuickTime  

they have dropped the installer stuff they use to have.



Jeffrey Reynolds
6620 Michaels Dr
Bethesda, MD  20817
jeff at

On Feb 7, 2005, at 5:02 PM, use-revolution-request at  

> Jeffrey Reynolds wrote:
>> The main problem with including the quicktime installer is its license
>> agreement. You must make your application to only work with the  
>> version
>> of qt (or later) at the time you release your product.
> I think I missed that clause of the license agreement.
> I wrote an Apple rep some time ago to clarify some of the questions  
> that
> pop up here about it, and got her permission to post her reply to the  
> list:
> < 
> 023869.html>
> The license agreement itself is available at:
> < 
> quicktime.html>
> Any questions about it can be directed to the contact person noted  
> there:
> <sw.license at>
> Remember that Apple's goal is to evangelize QuickTime, not annoy
> developers.  If anything seems onerous about their license agreement it
> can probably be clarified with a quick email to that address.

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