address fields with same name, disregarding IDs

Ken Ray kray at
Fri Feb 4 09:00:03 EST 2005

On 2/3/05 11:37 PM, "Kresten Bjerg" <kresten.bjerg at> wrote:

> Working with problems of over-size cards I need to adress (put to) 9
> duplicates of a field, same name but 9 different IDs
> Is there an easy way?

Well, first of all, if there's any way you can get those fields to be
uniquely named, you'll be better off in the long run. I really try to stay
away from objects of the same type that have the same name because Rev will
be confused when you try to put data into the object by name.

However, if you *can't* change the names, the only way to deal with it is by
using their IDs, which could be stored in a custom property or global
variable for each reach, or simply addressed as a local variable. For
example, suppose you wanted to clear these 9 fields. You could do this:

  put "1001,1002,1003,1004,1006,1009,1012,1023,1065" into tIDs
  repeat for each item tID in tIDs
    put empty into fld id tID
  end repeat


Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software
Web site:
Email: kray at

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