Groups and cloning

J. Landman Gay jacque at
Wed Feb 2 23:42:14 EST 2005

On 2/2/05 7:06 PM, Jerry Balzano wrote:

> More to the meat of my problem, suppose one wanted to create a 'clone' 
> of one of these group members.  Some simple mouse interaction like 
> clicking on a group member would create a copy of the control, stuck to 
> the mouse until the user clicked somewhere to "drop" it.  Mouse stuff 
> aside, "clone" all by itself doesn't do what I want, because it creates, 
> not a new ungrouped control that looks like the clicked-on control, but 
> another group member.  This makes sense, I suppose, since you are 
> "cloning" all of the properties of the control, including its owner.  So 
> how does one do what I want?

Use the "copy" command instead:

  copy btn 1 to this cd

Makes a copy of button 1 on the card layer rather than inside the group.

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jacque at
HyperActive Software           |

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