SpellCheck (re-inventing the wheel)

Scott Morrow scott at elementarysoftware.com
Wed Feb 2 02:19:19 EST 2005

After seeing this thread on SpellCheck I've added a stack to revonline 
under Utilities -> "Spell Checker in OSX"  or Scott's user space.

This stack demonstrates how to use Jean-Baptiste LE STANG's < 
http://www.lestang.org/ >  free Scripting Addition  XSpell.osax to add 
OSX's spell checking ability to a Revolution stack or application 
running under OSX 10.3 or better.  I've included scripts for saving to 
and reading from a custom user dictionary as well as a script for 
automatically installing XSpell from a .app if XSpell has been 
previously copied into the .app's bundle.

-Scott Morrow

Elementary Software
(Now with 20% less chalk dust !)
web     http://elementarysoftware.com/
email   scott at elementarysoftware.com


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