List Split - Idea

Mathewson richmond at
Wed Dec 14 02:00:19 EST 2005

If by 'Anarchy' you mean 'Freedom without responsibility"
then I am not going to support anarchy on any list,

If by 'Anarchy' you mean that one is Free to cover any
topic related to Runtime Revolution: whether it is the
code, the marketing strategy, the way Runtime Revolution
(the compnay) interact with their user-base, whether RR
should have its big toe in the OpenSource movement, and so
on - then I support anarchy - although that is not
authentic anarchy.

As has been pointed out just a few postings back in this
user-list - at least part of the reason I was banned from
this list was because I exploded into extremely purple
language over a matter I thought was important. The
extremely purple language was extremely foolish and I
regret it greatly. I don't regret the content of my
messages (once the purple language had been scraped away) -
and I see that some of the discussions that have recently
raged across this list are linked to similar concerns.

Having seen that extremely purple language is
counterproductive I would be the last person to condone its
use on-list. What I would like, however, is a Free Forum

(and the suggestions about topicalisation are apposite

where users, would-be users, and anlbody else, can express
their love, dislike, doubts, code-triumphs, code-problems,
worries et al about Runtime Revolution without being
'jumped on' for posting something that is not of universal
interest or of interest to a certain hard-core of people
who feel that RR (the RAD) as such (Ding-an-Sich) is the
only topic which should be allowed on list.

Now, about the List-Mom:

Heather and I have sparred in the past. However, I have
seen that she is a fair and even-handed person. Therefore I
would suggest that as there is such a SOCKING GREAT CONCERN
about what should and should not be on this list - which
shows no sign of coming to a uniform conclusion - that
Heather should be asked to make a RULING DECISION on nature
of the use-list.

At which point all who disagree should either 'Put Up or
Shut Up'.

sincerely, Richmond Mathewson
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