more on bg debugging bug

Timothy Miller gandalf at
Mon Dec 12 20:34:37 EST 2005

(Sorry, Moderator. A few minutes ago, I sent this message from a 
non-subscribed address. I'll cancel the other, if I can.)

Several weeks ago, I BZ'd the problem with debugging bg scripts. (BZ 
#3086 -- consider voting for it.) Unless you're on card 1 of the 
background, the debugger just plain doesn't work.

Here's a new wrinkle. I was trying to debug a bg button script. It 
seemingly had nothing to do with the bg script. However, the button 
script did use a "go next" command.

As fate would have it, there is an "on openCard" handler in the bg 
script. Whenever I stepped into the "go next" line while debugging 
the button script, the "on openCard" handler in the bg script would 
be invoked...

Is "invoked" the right term? "Called"? What?

Anyway, if using "step into" the debugger would try to step through 
the bg sript's "on openCard" handler. But the debugger doesn't work 
on background scripts. So, the debugger misbehaved. The script editor 
windows remain open, the debugging buttons disappear, and the script 
runs to conclusion, without any commentary from the IDE. It happens 
so fast, it's not real obvious what's going wrong. It's not a big 
surprise, now that I've had time to think it over.

I've heard there are alternative debuggers available. 
Recommendations? Where to find?



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