Handlers and Scope

Rob Cozens rcozens at pon.net
Wed Dec 7 12:19:19 EST 2005

Hi Adam,

>How do I define a handler?

on handlerName parameter1, @parameter2, ..., paramenterN
   handler logic
end handlerName

Don't know if this is meaningful to you, but prefixing any parameter 
with "@" causes that parameter to be passed by address instead of by 
value.  In the example above, any changes made to parameter2 inside 
the handler logic will persist after the handler is finished running, 
whle the remaining parameters will revert to the value passed.  Note: 
a parameter passed by address must exist in RAM; so:

         handlerName variable1Name, field "Some field", ..., variableNName

in the above example will fail, but

         get field "Some field"
         handlerName variable1Name, it, ..., variableNName


In addition, a handler can return a value.

         on handlerName parameter1, @parameter2, ..., paramenterN
          handler logic
           if someCondition then return "Processing error: libURL not found!"
         end handlerName
         if the result is not empty then...


* A function is declared "function functionName parameter1, 
@parameter2, ..., paramenterN"
   A handler is declared "on handlerName parameter1, @parameter2, 
..., paramenterN"

* A function call is referenced as a value [eg: "put 
functionName(parameter1, @parameter2, ..., paramenterN) into 
someVariable"; "if functionName(parameter1, @parameter2, ..., 
paramenterN) is theCorrectValue then..."; "switch 
functionName(parameter1, @parameter2, ..., paramenterN)"]
   A handler call is referenced as a command [eg: "handlerName 
parameter1, @parameter2, ..., paramenterN"]

* A function must return a result to the variable referenced in the 
calling syntax
   A handler may return a result in the variable, the result

Rob Cozens, CCW
Serendipity Software Company

Vive R Revolution! 

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