Profiles help

Peter T. Evensen pevensen at
Thu Aug 4 16:28:46 EDT 2005

One addendum, it appears that the group I thought was working actually 
wasn't changing the location of the group on the profile switch, so the 
text field didn't move.

This appears to be a bug: if you have a group with a profile and an object 
in the group has the same profile, the rectangles get messed up.  Has 
anyone else seen this?

At 03:24 PM 8/4/2005, you wrote:
>I have this group consisting of 3 items:
>a round rect, a freehand poly (together they make a balloon), and a text 
>I have 2 profiles: LevelA and LevelB
>On the group, the profiles change the rect of the group (i.e. move the 
>bubble and enclosed caption).
>The label field also has 2 profiles, LevelA and LevelB.  This changes the 
>Content of the label (i.e., htmlText).
>When I switch between the two profiles, the profiles on the field all of a 
>sudden gain a rect property and the text moves farther and father outside 
>of the balloon with each switch.
>I delete the rect property from each profile of the field and from the 
>master and it keeps appearing.
>The end result is (with the results simulate din text to the right:
>revSetStackProfile "LevelA" =>    (  tex)t
>revSetStackProfile "LevelB" =>   te(st  )
>revSetStackProfile "LevelA" =>    (     t)ext
>revSetStackProfile "LevelB" => tes(t    )
>revSetStackProfile "LevelA" =>     (      )  text
>I have another, identical group that doesn't behave this way.  It is 
>almost like the rectangle property is being cached someplace and being 
>reattached to the profiles in the text field.
>Any thoughts?
>Peter T. Evensen
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Peter T. Evensen
24-hour recorded info hotline: 1-800-624-7671 

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