To Rev or not to Rev

Derek Bump webmaster at
Sat Apr 30 10:31:08 EDT 2005

 > "it is more of scripting language that a real programming language ­ 
 > is awesome for the non-technical developers like me and you, but is not a
 > true object oriented application language which is being taught in
 > universities."

You know, this is exactly the kind of statement that I really don't 
enjoy hearing.  Who is to say that a script is not a program.  It does 
exactly the same thing.  A computer follows code to determine what to 
do.  Last time I checked, a computer does the same thing with a script.

On top of that, so what if it's not taught in Universities!  A statement 
like that is just like one from those people out there that say "Oh, 
it's NOT from Microsoft...well then it MUST be bad!"

And one more thing.  What programming language is not object oriented? 
Everything is an object.  Pixels, fields, buttons, windows, cursors, 
icons, text, variables, arrays, and so on and so on.  Revolution is 
object oriented, just like C++, Java, JavaScript, Basic and even HTML.

But, if I'm wrong in any of these areas then maybe someone here can set 
me straight?

Derek Bump
Dreamscape Software

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