Re-2: Unicode Displaying in Runtime Revolution

Marisa Kosaisaevee marisa.kosaisaevee at
Tue Apr 19 23:14:47 EDT 2005


I tried to display different languages in RunRev but it didn't work. I 
use "put" command to display the content of the file;

on openCard
    put URL "file:arabic.rtf" into fld Arabic
    put URL "file:chinese.rtf" into fld Chinese
    put URL "file:german.txt" into fld German
    put URL "file:hebrew.rtf" into fld Hebrew
    put URL "file:hindi.rtf" into fld Hindi
    put URL "file:japanese.txtf" into fld Japanese
    put URL "file:spanish.txt" into fld Spanish
    put URL "file:Thai1.txt" into fld Thai
end openCard

However, all these files use just to see whether other languages can be 
displayed or not,  no meaning. Still, they didn't display what I 
expected. May be I did sth wrong here.??

Also, 4 files are saved as Unicode( I use Notepad to save as unicode) 
but it displayed a mixed up characters as previous trials. So, I set its 
textFont to Unicode. For Japanese's file, all the Japanese characters 
are fine, while English Characters cannot be displayed. (as I set it 
textFont to be Japanese) For Thai's file, it displayed only first few 
Thai letters followed by unreadable characters. Do you think that is a 
good sign or just nothing?!

Look forward to your kind suggestions.


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