Firefox/Mozilla/Netscape to Rev communication v. AppleScript?

Terry Judd tsj at
Thu Apr 14 19:47:00 EDT 2005

The Netscape/Mozilla family of browsers have entries in their 
Applescript dictionaries for the following...

register URL echo: Registers a URL echo handler. The handler will get 
called whenever a new URL is loaded.
unregister URL echo: Cancels URL echo

syntax = register/unregister URL echo type class -- signature of 

I remember trying to get this working some years ago in SuperCard - 
with little success. On the Rev side something along the lines of...

on appleEvent class, eventID, sender
    if class & eventID is "WWW?URLE" then
       request ae data
       put it
    end if
end appleEvent

...should be able to respond to an ae from Netscape. What I've been 
unable to get right is the 'type class' bit of the Applescript to send 
to Netscape in the first place so that it establish communication with 
Rev in the first place.

Has anyone been down this path (successfully) or have any ideas on what 
I need to do to get this working.

I couldn't find any info on this at BTW.

Thanks in advance.


Dr Terry Judd
Lecturer in Educational Technology (Design)
Biomedical Multimedia Unit
Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry & Health Sciences
The University of Melbourne
Parkville VIC 3052

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