MySQL Date Conversion Problem

Sarah Reichelt sarahr at
Mon Apr 11 19:34:39 EDT 2005

I bet you just switched to daylight-savings time :-)
This is a 'feature" of Rev on OS X that has been driving me crazy for 
Dave's solution is the correct one, just put a 2 in the dateitems.


On 11 Apr 2005, at 6:04 PM, Marvin Wurth wrote:

> I have found the following problem and would like someone to please
> confirm my findings before I post Bug report.
> I have been using the following functions posted by Sarah Reichelt to
> convert dates from MySQL to Revolution and back to MySQL.  The 
> functions
> are:
> -- converts a system short date into an SQL format date
> -- uses current date if none supplied
> --
> function SQLDate pDate
>    if pDate is empty then put the short system date into pDate
>    convert pDate from short system date to dateItems
>    return item 1 of pDate & "-" & item 2 of pDate & "-" & item 3 of 
> pDate
> end SQLDate
> -- reverse function to convert SQL date to short system date
> --
> function SystemDate pDate
>   if pDate is empty then return the short system date
>   replace "-" with comma in pDate
>   put ",0,0,0,0" after pDate
>   convert pDate from dateItems to short system date
>   return pDate
> end SystemDate
> I been using the functions for about 6 months and they work great!  
> Thanks
> Sarah.  But yesterday I noticed working in Revolution 2.5.1 on Mac OS X
> 10.3.8, that when a date came in from MySQL, Revolution was displaying 
> one
> day earlier.  For example if the date in MySQL which is formatted as
> '2005-02-01' was converted to '01/31/05'.  The conversion back to MySQL
> works correctly.  What is even stranger is if the date is in the same 
> week
> as the current date then the conversion is correct.  For example
> '2005-04-08' to '04/08/05' works correctly.
> When I tested the functions with different platforms and versions of
> Revolution, I found the following results.
> Windows XP SP2, Revolution 2.1.2 works correctly.
> Windows XP SP2, Revolution 2.5.1 works correctly.
> SuSE 9.2, Revolution 2.5 works correctly.
> Mac OS 9.2 in Classic Mode,  Revolution 2.2.1 works correctly.
> Mac OS X 10.3.8, Revolution 2.1.2 works correctly.
> Mac OS X 10.3.8, Revolution 2.2.1 works correctly.
> Mac OS X 10.3.8, Revolution 2.5.1 failed.
> It looks to me like there is some type of problem in 2.5.1 and short
> system date.  I have a small test stack I created for testing if any 
> would
> like me to email it to them.  If you have any questions, please let me
> know.  Your help is much appreciated.
> Thanks,
> Marvin Wurth

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