RunRev versus WinRar

Dwayne Rothe drothe at
Sat Apr 9 00:05:44 EDT 2005

Who came first RunRev or WinRar?

As a matter of interest I would like to point out that RunRev & WinRar are using the same application extension of .rev
I found it interesting that after installing the latest version of WinRar that all my Revolution icons have now change to a 
RAR Recovery Volume icon, its three books with a medical kit at the front of it. I thought it would be easy to change it
through properties and assigning it to Revolution.exe, but the little bugger is persistent. 
This is annoying as you can't simply click on a .rev stack to intiate Revolution... 
So who really has rights to the .rev extension?
Are there any copyright issues e.t.c or can anyone one use the same extension for their product?

Anyway I would much rather bin WinRar than Revolution.

Cheers Dwayne Rothe...

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