Error saving standalone

Ton Kuypers tkuypers at
Wed Apr 6 19:52:40 EDT 2005

Hi gang,

I get an error when saving a RR application as a standalone for OS-X: 
"There was an error while saving the standalone application".

This is all the info RR shows me, so any advice is welcome..

I'm working on a Mac running OS-X 10.3.8, the application uses the 
"revGoURL" command, so the internet library is the only one selected in 
the Stand Alone Settings, but switching to the basic options for the 
required inclusions gives the same result.

Any advice anyone?


Ton Kuypers
Digital Media Partners bvba
Tel. +32 (0)477 / 739 530
Fax +32 (0)14 / 71 03 04

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